RTP agtech Harpe Bioherbicide lands $275k federal grant


Triangle based Harpe Bioherbicide Solutions has landed a $275,000 grant from the National Science Foundation.

The company says the funs will be used for research related to its bioherbicide formulations that are “derived from natural plant extracts to control weeds resistant to synthetic herbicides.”

Says the NSF: “Widespread adoption of the proposed technology is expected to benefit farmers and crop producers reducing societal strain, financial burden, and environmental stress from crop losses due to herbicide resistant weeds by eliminating these weeds through an environmentally safe method, without the use of excess fuel, time, equipment, and synthetic herbicides.”

Noted Dr. Chad Brommer, Harpe Bioherbicide co-founder and Chief Technology Officer who is principal investigator on the SBIR Phase 1 project, said, “Harpe Bioherbicide was created to support farmers on a global scale by developing novel and natural herbicide solutions to help mitigate increasing weed resistance challenges while seeking to advance sustainable practices in global food production.

Original Article Course: WRAL TechWire