Why the Region

Why the Research Triangle Region?

Rich Legacy in Agriculture + Home to a Global Workforce


Ag Data Science

Harnessing the power of Ag Data Science creates endless possibilities for leveraging analytics to monitor and predict changes related to the environment, food production, and animal health. The Triangle’s Ag Data Science sub-sector has quickly become a launchpad for powering advancements in Agriculture. 


Food Technology

Food Technology companies have it all inLearnthe Research Triangle region. With billions of people on planet earth, strengthening the global food supply starts here. With over 1,200 food and beverage manufacturing establishments in the state, access to resources, partners, innovation, and transportation, are a few reasons why the Food Technology sub-sector is thriving.


Animal Health

Animal Health companies have direct access to our dynamic talent. Our talent will fuel your company's growth, from cross-trained engineers to biologists with real-life experience. It takes a village of skilled talent to manage an animal-based operation with hundreds of variables effectively. 


Plant Science

There are an incredible amount of variables that impact agriculture. In the Plant Science sub-sector, understanding the effects of a growing population, reduction of land, climate shifts, and pests contribute to the need to study plants. This is why the NC Plant Science Initiative (PSI) is groundbreaking in advancing technology to enhance crops, manage seasons, and increase sustainability.


Your destination
for growth

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2.5% Corporate Tax Rate

Lowest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the U.S.



Established Food and Beverage Manufacturers


Best quality of life in the world

(Raleigh Numbeo 2019)


Best american cities to work in tech

(SmartAssets 2019)


Most educated city in the country

(Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill WalletHub 2018)


Highest percent of workforce in stem

(Raleigh WalletHub 2018)